Obs or fraps
Obs or fraps

obs or fraps

It might take a little while to set it up exactly how you want, but OBS Studio is by far the best and most powerful screen recorder for gamers. If you're a keen gamer, OBS Studio is easily the best free screen recorder for you. You can record part of your screen or full screen, or even record your webcam and computer screen simultaneously. Fraps hasn't been updated in over 8 years, creates bloated files with little control over the output, and doesn't even support scenes. If you're familiar with FFmpeg, you can really make the output exactly what you want for advanced use cases. It is not only a screen recorder but also comes with an extensive range of video editing features. I would recommend OBS, it's a free and open-source, regularly updated, and featureful software. DemoCreator is considered as the best OBS alternative.

obs or fraps

It costs $37 to get the complete set of video capture tools, while other tools with similar features are free. As a video capture utility it leaves a lot to be desired.

obs or fraps

Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!įraps is great for benchmarking and seeing your current framerate, and it's also very easy to use with a minimal interface. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time.

Obs or fraps